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How to socialize when relocating

By Globbi - 24 January 2024 - 2 Min Read

Moving to a new country - it’s not only changing your place of living, but also a dive into a totally different culture and society.

Because of that, just after passing the first stage of euphoria upon relocating, the level of anxiety rises, and sometimes even depression occurs. That’s because relocating is not such an easy process, especially when you need some support from the people around you.

In order to prevent such problems, it’s important to start socializing in your new home. And that is exactly what we’re gonna talk about in this post.

So what kind of options do you have? 


1. "Insider"

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Try to check whether someone from your wide circle or close relatives is already living in the country you’re moving into? Or maybe you’ve already met someone from the locals, while traveling there earlier? Try to remember and resume your communication with these people.

This will marginally help you not only in the matter of socializing, but also in other moments of adaptation (such as consulting on better shops, places to visit or even sightseeing).


2. "Social Application"

There are many apps out there that help you socialize both romantically and to meet new friends. 

And here comes our application in to the story 🙂

In the process of building Gamarjos, we’ve set a goal to target expats and like minded people, aspiring to find new connections in a new country. You can find additional information in the “About Us” page. We’ll be glad to see you as a user among us!


Most importantly - don’t be afraid to be proactive and initiate conversations when you can even create new relationships before you’ve even moved.


3. Expat Communities

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These kinds of communities exist in various types: For women and men, professional, for business and startups, language clubs, networking, creative, and more. It takes only a few event meetings and for sure you’ll find new connections!

We regularly post various types of events in our “Events” tab.

In addition to that, you can try searching for them on Instagram or Telegram chats.

And upon arrival, we recommend you to study posters around you that you might be interested in. For example, a Cafe could host a standup event, literary clubs or even culinary master-classes, where you could find new expat friends like you or even locals in a matter of days.

Share your relocating experience!

Send us your experience to our Email and we will publish it in our blog + our weekly posts!


Don't forget to download our App “Gamarjos” to make you life easier in emigration/immigration and fuller of experiences.